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No, the criminal act is a federal offense and is not subject to a SOL.

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11y ago

It depends on the jurisdiction. Most states have a statute of limitations, which can vary from a couple years to several years. Some felonies have no expiration!

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Q: Is there a statute of limitations for interstate drug trafficking?
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What is the statue of limitations for drugs in Alabama?

In Alabama drug trafficking is a felony. There is no statute of limitations.

Is there a statute of limitations on drug trafficking caes in mass?

Massachusetts does have statute of limitations in place. For this felony it would be six years.

What ia the statute of limitations on a felony drug charge in Alabama?

Alabama takes a very time view on drug trafficking. As such, it has no limitation.

What is the difference between charges for drug trafficking and for interstate drug trafficking?

Drug "trafficking" means that you are charged as a "commercial-style distributor"; that is, you deal in amounts greater than that for personal use. "Interstate drug trafficking" means that you are charged as a drug dealer who transports illegal drugs from state to state.

Federal Drug Trafficking how long is the statute of limitations in new york?

Ummm.... It makes no difference what New York has to say about it - it's a FEDERAL crime.

Is there a statute of limitations for a felony drug conviction in kansas?

In Kansas, there is a statute of limitations for a felony with drug conviction. The statute of limitations have a grid that divides crimes by severity level and categorizes defendants by their prior criminal records.

How long is the statute of limitations for a felony drug conviction in NM?

There is no statute of limitations on a felony drug conviction. You were charged and convicted. It is a part of your record forever.

What is the statute of limitations on drug posssesion in California?

3 years

What is the statute of limitations for drug distribution in Colorado?

10 freakin years

What is the statute of limitations on drug possession in Illinois?

Drug trafficking is a felony. Except for murder and certain crimes against children, the Illinois statute of limitations for felonies is five years. For further informaiton see the related links below.

What is the statute of limitations on drug charges in West Virginia?

West Virginia's statute of limitations are very basic and simple. They have decided that no statute of limitations shall apply to any felony. That includes drug charges. Misdemeanors that involve petty larceny or perjury are limited to 3 years. All other misdemeanors are set at 1 year.

What is the statute of limitations for Mississippi on drug cases charge possession of cocaine?

seven years