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it all depends. for instance, im like a straight A cheerleader with a 4.2 GPA and the guy i like alot is rumored to have done drugs--weed and stuff. but i know that he stopped and has gotten away from it. so me...i think it would be awesomely cute for us to go out because im such a good influence and i could really help to keep him away from that stuff. so, yes, they affect a relationship in the sense that unless one has given them up...things will only end badly. relationships will normally only work when the person on drugs has stopped and is doing their best to stay away from them. sorry, i know its a really personal answer...and feel free to put it up for improvement...but i was just thinking about it, and i had to say it somehow...

But the thing you have to remember is that is he did it before he;ll have no regrets to do it later, dont give yourself so much credit to think that he cares about you more then anything, because its going to hurt like hell when he skrews you over.

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6y ago

Yes they do. One or both people are using drugs and drugs change behaviors and interfere with personal relationships.

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Q: Do drugs affect relationships
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There's tons of variables on this one. If your family and relatives aren't against marijuana, then your relationships probably won't be affected too much. They may worry about you doing something that's illegal. Like with anything, it's best to do in moderation. Occasional marijuana use will have no effect on your relationships. Alcohol and other drugs are more likely to affect your relationships negatively than marijuana.

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Drug abusers may neglect relationships with friends and family. I would be sad if i lost my best friend or family wouldn't you.

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Social health is basically defined as how you are in social situations, based on friends, meetings, romantic relationships, etc. With drugs, you are securing yourself a place in a crowd. Unfortunately, most of society views people that regularly do drugs as a bad crowd. Honestly, drugs aren't great for your social health.

How do illegal drugs affect you?

From a legal standpoint, if you are caught buying, selling or carrying illegal drugs, you can be arrested and charged. Jail time and fines might be part of the punishment. This can have an affect on your personal life, relationships, jobs in the future, wealth and mental well-being. Illegal drugs also have damaging effects on your body, especially when you become addicted or become dependent on them.

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They try to mooch your drugs.

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Inotropic drugs affect the force of contraction. Chronotropic affect the rate of contraction.

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ALL DRUGS will affect your performance in some sort of way.

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only the re-creational drugs affect your life. meaning the bad ones. good drugs such as medicines, help you when your sick.

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Drugs slower the nervous system.