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Actually, 'yes' is not the correct answer. Drugs, just as food, 'pass' through the walls of the small intestines into the blood stream.

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Q: Do drugs pass through the walls of the stomach and into the blood stream?
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How do you separate drugs from the bloodstream?

You can separate drugs from the blood stream by not taking drugs and start have sex and suck the dick very hard

What substences dus blood plasma transport?

Plasma carries red and white blood cells, and any other dissolved nutrients that have gotten into the blood stream (alcohol, simple sugars, drugs, etc.) around to the body's major organs.

What is the purpose of blood-viscosity reducing drugs?

The purpose of blood-viscosity reducing drugs is to decrease the thickness or stickiness of the blood, which can help to improve blood flow through the blood vessels. By reducing blood viscosity, these drugs can mitigate the risk of clot formation and improve circulation, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes.

What are blood-viscosity reducing drugs?

Blood-viscosity reducing drugs are medicines that improve blood flow by making the blood less viscous (sticky).

How are drugs absorbed and metabolized?

This entirely depends on the drug itself, some drugs can be absorbed thru the skin, such as lsd, novacain, and a few others, but most require injestion and contact with a mucus membrane, such as nasal membranes, mouth, stomach, etc... Differant drugs will pass thru them at differant rates, some drugs can be put up the nose, such as cocain or otrivin, others need time in the stomach or intestines, and still others will not be active unless injected. The metabolism of drugs is just as varied, some drugs are destroyed by stomach acid or enzymes, others need them to be active, some are active in their normal state and will be metabolised instantly, others need to be converted into an active chemical in the blood or liver. Drugs can either act on the body or the mind, either by affecting cells, or activating neural receptors. In order to answer this question effectivly, a specific drug would have to be named, since every single drug acts differantly in the body.

Related questions

How do drugs enter the blood stream?

Drugs can enter the blood stream by a number of ways: Swallowing Smoking Snorted Injected Suppositried (inserted through he anus, as a capsule,etc)

Does drug use cause bacteremia?

In people who use intravenous drugs, the bacteria can enter the blood stream through unsterilized, contaminated needles and syringes

How do you separate drugs from the bloodstream?

You can separate drugs from the blood stream by not taking drugs and start have sex and suck the dick very hard

Do drugs show up longer in blood or urine?

Drugs show up in urine longer than in blood. When ingested, the drugs are metabolized and to complete the circuit through the liver and kidneys and then excreted. The process of elimination is longer than the time to circulate the blood.

Why are intravenous drugs added to the blood stream added in a solution that has the same solute concentration as blood plasma?

because you want them to be

How do drugs taken by a pregnant woman reach the fetus?

Via the blood stream and umbilical cord.

How do drugs taken by pregnant woman reach the fetus?

Via the blood stream and umbilical cord.

How do you get weed out of your blood stream?

You wait. The only way to get rid of illegal drugs is to wait until they are out of your system. There is no magic substance that "cleans" drugs out of your system.

What drugs need to be absorbed into the bloodstream to exert their desired effect?

Every drug. Wherever or however you take in drugs, it goes through the blood stream so that it can be transported around the body to wherever it is meant to go. same with food or water or air.

How do drugs travel throughout the body?

Through the blood.

How do prescription drugs travel throughout the body?

Through the blood.

What can crack cocaine do to babys?

Of course it does. Any drug will affect an unborn child. Drugs are extrememly harmful to YOUR body in the first place. Drugs get into your blood stream, which is directly connected to the fetus through the umbilical cord. The fetus absorbs the nutrients in the blood stream, which also contains the drugs and chemicals. Either way, don't do drugs. Especially if your pregnant.