

Do ducks webbed feet heal if torn?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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If you mean the spaces between their feet that make them webbed, no. Once it is torn, it's torn. However, this may not allow the duck/swan/goose to swim properly. If it's on one foot, it will cause the duck to swim in a circle. Is this duck your pet, or live in a local pond? The duck cannot feel it being torn, or even cut. Ever read "The Trumpet of the Swan?" It is a fiction book, although like all fiction books, there are some facts in it. In this book, the swan wants to play a trumpet, so Sam, his "owner" cuts around his feet. The swan recalls it as "painless". So, the simple answer to this question is: "NO". Happy Halloween! (-: if the webbing is torn you can cut it(neat) so its not frayed which will stop it tearing more ,the webbing will not grow back mind , and even a duck with one foot does not swim in a circle its a old wifes tail but all over the web it says they do, i have had a one legged duck and shock it swim in a straight line loss off webbing will make the duck swim slower

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