

Do dwarf gouramis have a nose?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Do dwarf gouramis have a nose?
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Related questions

What is the scientific name for Dwarf Gouramis?

The scientific name for Dwarf Gouramis is Trichogaster lalius.

Where do dwarf gourami live?

dwarf gouramis live in sluggish backwaters of northern India

Where do gourami's live?

dwarf gouramis live in sluggish backwaters of northern India

If you have 2 gouramus in a 5 gallon tank how do you get your gouramis to stop fighting?

Gouramis aren't really great fish to have together unless they have room to move around (e.g. at least 5 gallons per fish). Your tank is MUCH too small to have two gouramis, they're fighting for territory. If you don't want to return one to the fish store, then you should definitly just get a bigger tank. Unless you have dwarf gouramis, you should have them in at least 20 gallons. It also depends on what kind of gouramis you have. Some are more social and are more likely to school (dwarf gouramis, pearl gouramis) whereas others prefer to be top dog (opaline gouramis, blue gouramis). Good luck!

Do Dwarf Gouramis go good with Tiger Barbs?

No, tiger barbs are aggressive fin nippers.

What can you put in my 55 gallon tank that would coexist with guppies mollies platys dwarf gouramis?

Bristlenose catfish

How can you tell the difference between a boy and girl blue dwarf gourami?

The "blue" Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia) is sexed the same way as all Dwarf gouramis. The male is brightly coloured and the female is much plainer.

Do all Gouramis get along?

While it's possible that many types of fish may appear to get along, they are not compatible. Goldfish and gouramis should not be housed in the same tank as their needs are different. Goldfish are best living with goldfish.

What are fish that start with the letters d p and g?

dannys, dalmation sailfin mollies, dwarf gouramis, gold barbs, gold gouramis, green tiger barb, guppies, panda cory, pigeon blood discus, panda oranda goldfish, goldfish, plecostomus

How many angelfish and dwarf gouramis or other compatible tankmates can you fit in a 28 gallon tank?

In a freshwater tank, you don't want more than one inch of adult fish per gallon. Angelfish can grow to about 6 inches and dwarf gouramis can grow to about 3.5 inches, so your tank can fit any combination that adds up to 28 inches of fish.

Can tetra and gouramis be together?

No. Gouramis will be very aggressive to the tetra.

Your new dwarf gourami and coral blue gourami are fighting please help?

Male gouramis are very territorial. If kept in a smaller tank where they are unable to claim their own territory, they will fight. If both of those gouramis are male (they have a thicker body shape and more pointed, as oppose to rounded, dorsal fins), then it may be necessary to separate them, or move them both to a larger tank.