

Do dwarf hamsters like being on their own?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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in Israel and Greece they can be found

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Q: Do dwarf hamsters like being on their own?
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Can hamsters live on their own?

Dwarf hamsters are social and they like to live with other dwarf hamsters, it depends if it wants to be alone or not because if it want to sleep then yes, you should leave it alone.

What is the differences between Chinese dwarf hamster and regular hamsters?

by normal, if you mean sirian hamsters then the main difference is that Chinese hamsters belong to the dwarf hamster species, which are considerably smaller and arent as friendly (believe me, i know, i own two!).

Can dwarf hamsters mate with regular hamsters?

Lol, probably not. They're sociable with their own kind.

Do hamsters hunt in packs in the wild?

No Syrian hamsters live on their own. Dwarf hamsters eat insects they don't hunt.

Do dwarf hamsters require cleaning or are they self cleaning?

Dwarf hamsters clean themselves. I own one and watch him clean himself all the time. Dwarf hamsters clean themselves by pulling both paws from the back of their neck forward.

Can a Syrian hamster live with a robo hamster?

No Syrian hamsters are very Territorial and they like to live on there own but dwarf hamsters like to live in groups or pairs otherwise they would get too lonely.

What do hamsters sleep with?

Dwarf hamsters - each other and on suitable hamster bedding. Syrian - on their own and on suitable hamster bedding.

Does hamsters do better alone or with other hamsters?

Hamster live better alone . Some hamsters even get in to fights with other Hamsters . It's not like they will get bore just play with them sometimes and put them in their hamster ball and they'll be fine . :p

Should you put two dwarf hamsters in the same cage?

If they are Roborofskis or Winter Whites, then the answer is a definite yes. These dwarf hamsters are very social, and require the company of at least one of their own kind. However, do not put two different species of dwarf hamsters in the same cage. They will fight. Also, unless you intend to breed, only put hamsters of the same gender in one cage, or else you'll have a hamster population explosion!Also, do not put a Syrian with a dwarf hamster.

Dwarf hamsters - Will the mother dwarf hamster allow inbreeding with one of her pups?

Yes she will, but do not let her! the babies are born deformed and she will eat them ! i own 17 baby dwarfs:P

Can any male frog mate with any female frog?

Of course. Chinese Dwarf Hamsters and Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters can be put in groups of the same gender/breed. Ex: Male Chinese Dwarf + Male Chinese Dwarf Female Roborovski Dwarf + Female Chinese Dwarf

Do hamsters like to be in pairs?

No i guess my friends hamsters killled its own pair