

Do dwarf hamsters run fast and how do you get them to not bite you?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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yes they run pretty fast! If they bight you that means they want you to play with them more. Get another hamster so it wont feel lonely and give it more attention.

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Q: Do dwarf hamsters run fast and how do you get them to not bite you?
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Do fancy Russian dwarf hamsters run fast?

Dwarf hamsters are generally faster than Syrian Hamsters. They aren't too fast, but can get speedy sometimes. Roborovski Hamsters are extremely hyper and fast and Chinese hamsters are pretty fast too.

What is a hamster defense?

It depends on the hamsters temperament. Most hamsters will run and hide, but if backed into a corner they will bite. Other hamsters will just bite right away.

Do roborovski hamsters run fast only when their babies or their whole life?

They run fast for their whole life. Robrovskis are the fastest and smallest of all hamsters.

Do dwarf hamsters run around?

Yes of course they do all hamsters run around otherwise they could die because they would not exercise and get ill from it so of course dwarf hamsters run around. If you have just bought new hamsters they may just be unsure of their surroundings, so they may not want to venture out yet and run around, but they will eventually so don't worry! ;) Hope this helps!

Are fancy Russian dwarf a good first pet?

no because i went to a pet different pet shops and found that they will run away and bite and they run fast. I say you get a teddy bear hamster they usually don't bite and they have a life span 2-3years.

Can you hold a robowski dwarf hamster?

You can but they will run very fast so you have to cup your hands around them but leave a whole for there head. If you cup them with no whole for the head they might bite you

How can hamsters run so fast with their tiny little legs?

They run so fast because the tinyer the faster

How fast do Roborovski dwarf hamsters run?

It's has to be the one the only dwarf hamster, the smallest hamster in the world. the dwarf hamster is a good pick for a hamster BUT! the person HAS to be at least 9 and 5 months or up. that age or up the person is more careful of this hamster because this hamsters FAST! This happen to my cousin's and there 18 anyway so they bought out the hamster to play with and then BOOM! the hamster rana and ran it ran SO fast but then it ran to the corner it was close and they will be VERY careful next time. But I suggestif your getting a hamster u should choose a bigger hamster like a teddy bear hamster or black bear or reg. or rex. hamster there bigger and live much longer they live to 2-3 years(if the hamster is healthy. The dwarf hamster live for 1-2 years only. For even more info search this site Hope this helps!

Who is the fastest runner a mouse or a hamster?

This depends on what type of hamster it is, how old it is, if it's overweight, underweight or if its big or small. Dwarf hamsters like the Russian Dwarf hamster (I have one) tends to run fairly fast. I think this is because of it's small body and light feet! Though when it comes to bigger hamsters, like Golden hamsters (used to have one) they run at a normal speed. So not too fast, yet not too slow. Though, just because it's slower, doesn't mean it's safe to let it out because you think you can catch it. You'll be surprised at how fast hamsters run when in danger! There's such thing as safer, but never safe... even hamsters!Anyways, hope this helped!~StarC_303It depends, but a Mexican Running Hamster has been know to clock in at 2km/hr.

what are hamsters top speed?

They can run very fast unless they are tired

Why do dwarf hamsters make a loud noise and then run away?

because something some thing has scared them du lol

Do dwarf hamsters run when they are scared?

yes, i would let them calm down before trying to hold it...or it might attack out of instinct