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Yes. Not only can dwarf hamsters sleep in your hands, other hamsters can, too. I have had a hamster, Butterscotch, and she slept in my hands, If you are very calm and quiet, sure! They'll sleep in your hands. Unless they aren't sleepy of course:)

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How long can a robo hamster live and do they grow into dwarfs hamster?

Robo hamsters are robo hamsters, they can be about 2 inches long on average, and stay robo hamsters.

Do female hamsters kill male hamsters?

It depends. Syrian and Teddy Bear hamsters will kill each other if they are the SAME gender , even if they are related. There will be less fights if you put hamsters of the opposite gender together to mate. Dwarf hamsters live in groups, so female dwarfs and male dwarfs won't attack each other and will have babies peacefully.

Does hamsters really sleep for a long time?

No because they are nocturnal so they play at night and sleep in the day time

When does hamsters sleep?

When do hamsters sleep? And 4 how long?!? What do they all day long?!? Do they ever sleep 4 a whole day?

How long hamsters sleep?

Hamsters are nocturnal they sleep throughout the day and wake up at night

Are Russian hamsters dwarfs?

Yes they are. They are called Russian Dwarf Hamsters, Campbell's Dwarf Hamster, and Campbell's Russian Dwarf Hamster.

Do Chinese hamsters sleep a lot?

Actually, all hamsters sleep a lot. Usually, they sleep in the day b/c they are nocturnal.

Do Chinese hamsters sleep in night and are awake in day?

No Chinese hamsters sleep at daytime and play at night.

Which hamster is more social and friendly?

Syrian hamsters, dwarfs are more likely to bite

Do Russian dwarf hamsters come from russia?

yes , would they be called RUSSIAN dwarfs if they weren't