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yes edible condoms do exsits but im pretty sure you can only by them from a adult shop or a condom warehouse. you can get edicle lubericant though?...

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Q: Do edible condoms exist
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Are condoms edible?

No. Please don't try.

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Edible Soffee shorts do not exist, but there is a such of thing as edible underwear. You can learn more about edible underwear from the Wikipedia website.

Do female condoms really exist?

Yes they do. They are not very popular but they do exist.

Do condoms for women exist?

yea but they are weird

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What different sizes do condoms come in?

Condoms come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, smells, flavors, etc. You name the shape or size and its almost guaranteed to exist either online or your local gas station.

What are escorgets?

There are no such things as 'escorgets' - the word does not exist/mean anything. However, the is a French word 'escargots' which means edible snails.

Are there vibrating condoms?

There are vibrating condom rings that are put on condoms and vibrate but not condoms that actually vibrate themselves

Is there nutella condoms?

No there are no Nutella condoms but what a great idea.

Are latex condoms best to prevent pregnancy?

Well latex condoms are good to prevent pregnancy for the most part but as opposed to latex or polyurethane condoms or animal skin condoms are all good but I recommend spermicidal lubricated condoms.

Is condoms good or bad?

Condoms *are* good, but your grammar is bad.

Can condoms make you dry?

Yes, it is possible for condoms to make you dry. Condoms can irritate the vagina and cause minor swelling. Some people do not like the feel of condoms and find that it is a turn off for them.