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This is essentially correct. The electrons and protons have equal but opposite charges, and the fundamental law of electrostatics is that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. The positive charge on the nucleus attracts and "holds" the electrons in orbit about the nucleus. It is electromagnetics that holds the electrons in orbit about that nucleus.


The attraction of the positive nucleus attracts the electrons to the nucleus by a centripetal force vp/r where v= Z alpha c. The electrons exeert a centrifugal force cDEL.P = -cp/r cos(P). When the orbit is stable the centripetal force equals the centrifugal force vp/r = cp/r cos(P) and the electrons do not fall into the nucleus.

The balance gives v/c = cos(P), the redshift. This is the result of the Quaternion Energy W = -vh/r + cP, the atom has a scalar energy -vh/r and a vector energy cmV=cP, the Momentum vector energy. The mystery of what holds the electron from falling into the nucleus is the Divergence of the vector energy. Physics has come to grips with the fact that energy is a Quaternion quantity with a vector energy and the Divergence of the vector energy creates the centrifugal force, the cosmological constant force and the Dark Energy.

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Q: Do electrons orbit around the nucleus because there is an electrical charge between electrons and protons?
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Positive. Negative electrons are not on the nucleus.

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Yes; electrons have a negative electrical charge.

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They are located in the electron cloud of an atom. ---------- Electrons (very low mass particles with negative electrical charge) are placed around the nucleus of an atom in electron shells, with different energy levels; because the nucleus contain protons the electrical charge is positive. The electron cloud is a model of quantum mechanics.

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Nothing. The only part of an atom with negative charge are the electrons.

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