

Do emos make themselfs bleed while cutting?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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Yes, that's the point.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: Do emos make themselfs bleed while cutting?
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Do Emos have to be interested in cutting themselves?

No you don’t have to be interested in cutting yourselves they do it if they want to or are in a depressed mood

Do emos cut at night?

Some individuals who identify as emo may engage in self-harm, including cutting, at any time of day or night. This behavior is a sign of deeper emotional distress and should be taken seriously. It is important to seek help from a mental health professional if you or someone you know is struggling with self-harm tendencies.

Do emos hear the band the get up kids?

Im emo and i live breathe and bleed the get up kids!

Are emos violent?

Emos tend to be more self-destructive than violent. A lot of times they have issues with cutting, substance abuse, eating disorders, depression etc. They sometimes express they're anger verbally and lash out at others in that respect, but the generalization cannot be made that emos are violent.

What does cutting have to do with emo?

No because if your a wanna be then you think emo is cutting your self its enot (well some emos do but you dont have to) some people do that because their under steerse or w/e but they are other ways to not cut your self and feel better so all you emo that cut your self sont just find a better way that you wont hurt your slef!!!!

Are all emos skinny?

No there are fat emos and skinny emos just most of the emos you and me see are skinny

When people cut themselves to relieve stress what is it called?

its gothic not just cutting other harms and emos only some cut themselves.

Why do people say ALL emos cut themselves?

Because it is a thing some emo people do, but other stereotypes (most of the time) don't. Cutting is also a way of letting yourself go, hurting yourself so that you wouldn't feel that bad mentally, emotionally. And emos are quite depressed, so sadness, pain, heartbreak and cutting are words related to the stereotype.

Do emos live in every state?

Emos can be found in many states, as it is a subculture that transcends geographic boundaries. While they may be more prevalent in certain areas or cities known for their alternative culture scenes, emos can be found throughout the United States.

Is writing on your hand emo?

Well, it depends on what you write. I have seen Emo pictures where Emos have written things like "death" and "suicide" on themselves. If you do that, people might think of you as Emo, but Emos are most known for being emotional and for self-harm. E.g. cutting themselves

Does Peru have a lot of emos?

Yes it does it has lots of violence and Peru has a 78.9 percent of emos. Emos are a big part of Peru Yes it does it has lots of violence and Peru has a 78.9 percent of emos. Emos are a big part of Peru Yes it does it has lots of violence and Peru has a 78.9 percent of emos. Emos are a big part of Peru

How do you know when someone is emo?

emos are those stupid people that harm themselfs so they can feel alive __________________________________________________________ emo can be a type of music, the lifestyle of somone, or a personal style. but as the question says "How do you know when someone is emo?" is when they are not proud of their life, they regret living, they live pain, and they write poetry or cut themselfs to relieve their feelings. they are not crazy or sick of their brain, they just need more love. people judge them because lots of people think that emos don't believe in god or are evil, but its not true. emos believe in god and they are most teens that don't know about stuff like that. so please don't judge emos just because you think wrong. emos are hurt deeply inside. ___________________________________________________________ emos don't look like supposly emos look like. they don't wear their bangs in their eyes or try to cut their vains day by day. emos are most likely to hate everyone but their few friends. you cannot say "look i turned emo" because that's a false. you cannot turn emo. emo is a lifestyle of teens. ____________________________________________________________ emo girls wear dark clothing, and they wear bracelets to cover up their cuts. they look hardcore style and listen to emo bands like (bring me the horizon, black veil brides, gray matter, forever changed, linkin park etc.) and emo boys are likely to do the same thing