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Q: Do epidermal cells from petunia stain with phloroglucinol?
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Do tracheids from an oak stain with phloroglucinol?

Also phloroglucinol will not stain tracheids because it only has one thick layer of wall.

What does acdified phloroglucinol stain?

Acidified phloroglucinol is used as a stain for the detection of lignin. If lignin is present, it will turn a bright red colour.

What kind of stain are used to stain plant and animal cells?

Methylene blue stain is used to stain plant and animal cells.

Why do all cells stain purple in the flagella stain but not in the gram stain?

The gram stain uses a decolorizing product so it is possible to differentiate between the gram and the gram cells. Gram positive cells stain purple in color.

Is maneval's stain an acid stain?

it is a basic dye that will stain the cells. That makes it a positive stain.

What stain is used to stain cheek cells?

methelyn blue

Is it useful to stain the Elodea and Anabaena cells with methylene blue stain?

Yes, because the methylene blue stain makes the organelles in eucharyotic cells visible to us in a basic microscope.

Stain name used for onion cells?

safranine stain is used to stain onion cells

Identify a stain that would be appropriate for improving definition of the blood cells?

Leishman's stain

What can you observe when you stain a cheek cell with methylene blue stain?

You can observe cheek cells

What is the stain blue used to stain animal cells?

Methylene blue is used for many different staining purposes, but one of the main ones is staining RNA or DNA. In animal cells, it will stain the cytoplasm and the nucleus (the nucleus will be much darker).

The name given to a liquid used to make cells structures easier to see?

Stain . Iodine is one.