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No, probably not. The males would be more likely to kill the females.

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11y ago

She may not eat the male, but if the male is sick or weak, she may kill him. It's best not to have a single male with a single female unless you are breeding fish

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9y ago

If the male is dead. but i dont think bettas are Cannibals.

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Q: Do female betta fish eat male betta fish?
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If your betta fish has babies will the male betta fish eat them?

yes after mating a female will be tired and hungry and if the male does not run her away she may eat the eggs for energy.

Can betta fish live with other betta fish for a long period of time?

Only female Bettas can be kept together. That too will only work if they are given reasonably roomy conditions and plenty of cover (plants) and hidey holes. Male betta fish can/ will fight to death if there is another male fish in the tank, a male will sometimes eat a female so your best bet is to have a single betta or a female and a female.

Will your male betta fish eat your other fish or bite it?

a male Betta will usually like the company of other fish but will fight or kill others of their kind also they might fight guppies cause they look similar to a female Betta.

How do you make a male betta fish happy?

feed it and then give it a female beta fish. if you do this in the wrong order he will eat the female and waste your food.

How do you take care or 300 betta fish babies?

My sugestion is that you sell them because the female wil try to eat them and the male will kill the female and you will loose you female betta fish so give them to a pet store or sell em

What does it mean when your male betta fish flares up its gills at a female betta fish?

It is courtship but be careful during the mating the male will kill the female then the male will make a bubble nest. When the babies hatch be shure to separate the babies or they will eat each other hope this helps

Why do female Betta eat their eggs?

Because Female betta fish lack the parenting instincts males do. Most females have just enough to help the male put the eggs in the nest.

Do male Betta eat male Betta fish?

No, probably not. The males would be more likely to kill the females.

When a female and male betta fish mate should you keep them separate?

Yes. The female will start trying to eat the eggs, and the male will attack her to defend them. Take her out as soon as they're done.

Why does your male betta fish chase your female betta fish after she has had babies?

The male will protect, tend, and clean the eggs after they have been laid. It's best to remove the female right after mating and the male after the babies are free swimming (3 or so days). The female will die if she is left in there and you could risk loosing your babies. Also after the baby's have hatched remove them from harm of the female or male. They will both tend to eat the fry's, or baby's.

Can betas live with guppy's?

No. Male bettas can be kept in community aquariums, but should not be kept with fish that look anything like they do, or are small enough to eat. A male betta will mistake a guppy for another betta and kill it. Female bettas, however, can be kept with other "betta-like" fish without a problem.

Can female betta fish live with smaller fish?

yes but do not pick fish that are soooo small like minnows because your betta will EAT HIM UP!