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Yes, Ferrets need canine distemper shots, only one vaccine is approved for ferrets. Canine distemper is fatal in ferrets (they die a horrible death) and is an airborne disease, being easily transmitted or brought in on your shoes or clothing.

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8y ago

Yes. Ferrets can catch canine distemper and should be vaccinated yearly by your vet.

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10y ago

Yes, ferret need to get rabies vaccinations

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Can a ferret pass on illness if it bites you?

Can you catch a disease from a ferretit's possible, ferrets can contract some of the same diseases as cats or dogs. Make sure your pet is up to date on all vaccinations and treat for fleas. Use precautions the same as dog or cats. Wash hands after handling any animal and cleaning litter boxes, try to avoid animal bites or scratches. Your more likely to catch a disease from an animal bite of a cat or dog. Be aware that ferrets can contract human influenza, humans with flu need to avoid handling ferrets, and vise verse.Major Zoonoses that can be transmitted from ferrets to humans or humans to ferretsEnteric diseases- CampylobacteriosisInfluenzaTuberculosisRabiesCan a ferret give you rabies?Ferrets are vaccinated against rabies. It is a myth that ferrets are carriers of rabies. Rabies is a rare disease in ferrets, because they don't have the exposure. There have been fewer than 20 cases of confirmed rabies in ferrets in the US since 1958. In some of these cases, ferrets were vaccinated with a live vaccine not approved for ferrets. There has never been a reported case of a human contracting rabies from a ferret.

Do you need vaccinations for Mauritius?

The CDC and WHO recommend vaccinations of Rabies, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Cholera, Typhoid, and Influenza.

You were bitten by a ferret two days ago and had your last tetanus shot in 2004 do you need another one?

Tetanus is caused by a bacteria in the soil. Tetanus shots are thought to be good for at least 10 years. Although rabies are very rare in ferrets, if you were bitten, make sure it had it's rabies vaccinations.

Can you give rabies vaccination and other vaccinations at the same time?


Can a ferret live without yearly veterinarian visits?

Ferrets do need vaccinations against rabies and canine distemper (which is airborne, possibly transmitted from your shoes or clothing, a ferret does not survive this disease) Most ferrets in the US are from Marshall Farms and are prone to disease and illnesses due to early neutering and genetics. It's important to know the signs of illness in disease in ferrets, which you may not detect, but a veterinarian can. Ferrets are know to hide their pain and illnesses.

Are ferrets legal in Washington state?

Check with your city government ordinances on companion animals. Ferrets are illegal in California, Hawaii and New York City, NY.

Is it a good idea to get your cat vaccinated with the rabies vaccine at the same time as the other feline vaccines?

There are many debates on the need for rabies vaccinations in cats. Read up on the vacine and ask your vet. If your cat is indoor only, rabies vaccinations are not necessary. If you do decide to get your cat this vaccine, it can be done with the others.

Which vaccinations does the London Travel Clinic provide?

The London travel Clinic provides many different vaccinations. They offer vaccinations for Rabies, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Polio, Typhoid, and Yellow Fever.

What is the ferrets activities habits?

they hav loads of rabies like brandon lolololol

What are the shots called that your ferret has already gotten if you purchase it from a pet store?

When you buy a ferret, they have had only one distemper vaccination and will need 3 more distemper vaccinations that are required at 9, 12, and 16 weeks of age. Rabies vaccinations are required between 13 - 16 weeks. Ferrets should never have more than one vaccination administer to avoid reactions.

What kind of illness can you get from a ferret?

Ferrets can contract some of the same diseases as cats or dogs. Make sure your pet is up to date on all vaccinations and treat for fleas. Use precautions the same as dog or cats. Wash hands after handling animals, try to avoid animal bites or scratches. Be aware that ferrets can contract human influenza, humans with flu need to avoid handling ferrets, and vise verse. Major Zoonoses that Can Be Transmitted from ferrets to humans * Enteric diseases- Campylobacteriosis * Influenza * Tuberculosis * Rabies

Who do you call for a raccoon bite?

Wash the bite area well, bandage and get to the emergency room for treatment. You will probably have to undergo a series of painful rabies vaccinations.