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Mostly. Guppies and mollies can crossbreed, but the offspring are all male and sterile. It would seem that mollies and guppies are not the same species, but they are close enough. Like horses and donkeys, the offspring are essentially mules. It can be done! See here: It's not worth the effort, however! The thread you posted took me to a bunch of amateur people discussing if it is possible and reporting second hand rumours of things that they have heard about. There is Nothing factual there! If you have a laboratory and can do all the required genetic work you may be able to cross the species artificially. Many things are 'possible' as in the development of the 'Parrot Cichlid' in Taiwan. But by normal (sexual in aquaria) methods it is quite impossible. Horse and Donkey and Zebra are all in the same Genus Equus and can be cross bred. The vast differences between the genus Mollienisia (which has several species) and Genus Lebistes (species reticulatus) do not allow for this. IMO The folks you have quoted are simply DREAMERS.

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Q: Do fish only breed with the same species of fish?
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They are the same species and can obviously cross breed if they are given suitable conditions to breed in.

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make sure hunger and tank cleanliness is 100% , then if there is a male and female of the same species, they willl breed providing they are of the correct maturity

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It may be possible to cross fish in the same species eg there are at least 6 members of the 'Aulonocara' species that could possibly be bred with one another and there are also 6 members of the 'Julidochromis' species to which the same applies. However it would be quite impossible to cross breed any member of the 'Aulonocara' species with a member of the 'Julidochromis' species. Basicaly, to put it into mammalian terms. Any breed of dog can cross breed with any other breed of dog because they are of the same species ie 'Canis' species. Any kind/colour of human can cross breed with any other breed/colour of human because they are of the same species ei Hominidae. However it is impossible with todays science to cross breed a dog with a human because they are of entirely different species

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No, a Dragonaire cannot breed with a Sealo. Sealos and Dragonaires are two different species of Pokemon. Interbreeding is not possible in the Pokemon world, and only members of the same species can breed (except for Ditto, which can breed with any Pokemon that is not legendary).

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No it is not the same species

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i am pretty sure that it is possible but i do not know. it would probably be called a rhinopotamous or hipposerous.

What kind of fish can be together?

Fish that are the same species