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yes the do so they could get an extra boost because of there wieght

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Q: Do flies fart when they fly?
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Can a fly kill a human with its fart?

A fly cannot kill a human being, or even another animal, with it's fart. There are more than 120,000 species of flies and have never been know to harm anyone with their farts.

Can a fart kill a fly that is near your butt?

Yes, a fart can kill a fly that's near your butt. One time I was outside and I had a fart ready to release, but a annoying fly came around and began flying around my butt, so, I tried to swat it away, but then after I put by butt next to it, and released the toxic fart. It felt good after since I relieved myself, but the fly died after. So, farts can kill flies that are around your butt. That'll teach them. Especially if you don't have any pants or underwear on, since they get the full blast and smell.

What is future tense of flies?

The future tense of the verb "flies" is "fly," as in "he will fly," "she will fly," etc.

What is the present form of fly?

Fly -- I fly to work Flies -- She flies to work Flying -- We are flying to work

Are there fart afficianados?

yes it is called a corck in your but but if you have a strong one it will fly out

Give 10 alliterations starting with the fly?

The Flies fly over fields of fruit. The Flying flies fly far. The Flipping flies fly fanatically The flies fly with flipping wings. the Fruit flies are fanatics for fruit fThe ruit flies fight Finland flies freakishly. That's all i can think of at the mo!! ohh it has to start with specifically THE FLY!! SOZ

When set loose you fly awayNever so cursed as you go astray what are you?

a fart ^_^

Are there any insects that fly?

yes an insect that can fly, are fly's. flies , dragon flies, specifically blue bottles

How did the fly get its name?

A fly is called a fly because it flies!

When set loose you fly away never so cursed as when i go astray?

A fart

What are the two powers unique to the federal government?

the ability to fart out mushrooms and the ability to fly.......................

How do horse flies fly?

Horse flies fly using wings, just like any other kind of fly.