

Do flies lay eggs in dog feces?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Do flies lay eggs in dog feces?
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Why does dog mess have maggots in it?

After a dog defecates, flies are drawn to their fecal matter. The flies eat what they want and then mate and lay eggs in the feces. Flies try to always lay eggs where their young will have something to eat as soon as they are able. So the fly larvae (maggots) hatch and grow in the dog mess.

Why do flies go on dog excrement?

They do so to lay eggs

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it depends on if the flies are in labor, but i would guess that they would

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Horse flies do not lay eggs on humans, they lay eggs on leaves, grass and other vegetation. Flies that lay eggs under human skin are bot flies.

How are fruit flies born?

Fruit flies lay eggs and when the eggs develop, the flies are born. Flies can lay hundreds of eggs at once.

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Fruit flies will lay eggs in rotting wood. Fruit flies will generally lay their eggs nearly anywhere that they can.

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No, the male flies do not lay eggs. Female flies are larger than male flies. The female flies lay over 900,000 eggs during their lifespan.

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no they lay dog eggs and cats lay cat eggs elephants has nothing to do with this

Does a housefly lay eggs?

A housefly lays eggs on a dead animal, so the maggots can hatch out and begin eating the dead animal right away. The fly may also lay eggs on an open wound, or on the rear of sheep. Farmer's regularly inspect for maggots on their animals.

Why do flies like feces?

Not all flies like faeces, many will lay their eggs in it and their larvae will grow and feed on it, getting all the nutrients they need to grow from it. Adult flies may feed from it too on occasion.

Can fleas get under your dog's skin?

No, but the fleas can feed on the dog's blood. After 24 -48 hours a female flea will lay eggs with the blood feces which falls off the dog which, re-starts the life cycle.

Where do flies lay their eggs?

Usually in water. Fruit flys lay eggs on sugary fruits.