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They do so to lay eggs

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Q: Why do flies go on dog excrement?
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Related questions

What is dog turd?

Turd= slang for a piece of excrement So, it means dog excrement

Can you tell the difference between human and dog excrement?

taste it

What is the difference between Steve mayne and dog excrement?

NOTHING ......

How do flies find excrement?

Generally, they smell it, they have a keen sense of smell

What can you do to break a dog's habit eating her own excrement a 10 YO Maltese?

you can buy pills at the local petsmart or petco that you give your dog once daily with there food to stop it. sounds crazy but it worked on my 8 month old German Shepard. my neighbor had the same problem with his German Shepard and she wouldn't eat the pills so he found a powder that you go out and sprinkle on the dogs excrement and it makes the excrement taste worse than......well excrement appearently. that worked for his dog. One of the products that is available is called Dis-Taste. It is also available online. A link will be included below.

Are there Dog Scooper laws for the city of Milwaukee, WI?

Milwaukee asks that all owners of dogs who allow their dog to walk onto other properties not owned by said dog owner must carry proper mean of disposal for the poop or excrement left by the dog. The law also asks that the owner take the excrement to their own property and dispose of the poop properly.

What does the word muck mean to the british?

Dirt or mud. Can also refer to excrement (e.g. "dog muck").

How do you spell excrement?


Is Vomit called Excrement?

No, vomit is not called excrement. Excrement is feces.

How do you clean dog excrement off a cotton bedspread?

Soak in hot water and detergent for a day and then hot wash

Do flys lay egg every time they land on something?

Flies can lay eggs pretty quickly. But even if they didn't, just their landing on your food can deposit pathogenic bacteria that they picked up from the raw chicken or dog excrement that they visited beforehand.

A sentence with the word excrement in it?

Excrement means feces. Don't step in the cow excrement!