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Q: Do floating plants have swollen stems filled with air?
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What is a suculant plant?

Succulent plants have adapted to dry, arid conditions, by storing water in its fleshy leaves and swollen stems.

What is a gall wasp?

A wasp that lays its eggs in the stems of plants. A plant with such an egg in it grows a greatly swollen tumor call a gall.

Do Saguaro plants have green stems?

Saguaro plants have green stems.

What is the possessive form of plants?

The plural possessive form is plants'.The plants have stems. These are the plant's stems.

Where plants live with soft and hollow stems?

(Arthrophytes ) Plant stems are filled with hollow tubes that run parallel to the stem. These tubes use pressure to transport water to areas of the plant that need it.

What plants have strong stems?

Sunflower and rose plants have woody and strong stems)

Why do cactus plants have swollen stems?

Cactus plants grow in relatively arid climates, and they retain water more efficiently by having thicker structures with a higher proportion of volume to surface area than you would find in other types of plants.

Vascular plants are land plants that have roots stems and leaves.?

Perhaps. There are water plants however that have roots, stems, and leaves.

A floating plant whose stems and leaves have air sacs is a?

A butt

What plants store food in the stem?

Most plants growing in dry-arid regions like the deserts store food in their stams.The stems are modified into fleshy,swollen,cylindrical structures which store food as well as water.The stems also perform Photosynthesis as they are green with the pigment chlorophyll.Examples of desert plants include the cacti,prickly poppy etc.Thanks again ID

Do the stems of a soft-stemmed plants have chloroplast How about woody plants?

Soft stem are green and have chloroplasts.Woody stems do not have.