

Do foxes have small ears

Updated: 11/18/2022
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7y ago

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It depends on the species. Arctic foxes have small ears while fennec foxes have huge ears.

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no, comparable to dogs

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Q: Do foxes have small ears
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Where are foxes ears?

Foxes ears are at the top of their head!

Do foxes have ears?

yes thay got ears

Why is the Arctic fox ear small?

The ears, as well as other parts of the body of an Arctic fox, are small to make for a smaller surface area to volume ratio. This means that less of the surface of the fox's body is exposed, which helps to trap heat in its cold environment.

How long are fennec foxes ears?

Fennec Foxes ears can usually grow to an average of 10-15cm. :) LOL

Why do fox ears point forward?

Foxes are predators and use their ears to find there praqy. you mean pray...........................................................................................................

Why are fennec foxes different from Arctic foxes and gray foxes?

The difference between the fennec fox and the arctic fox it that the fennec fox lives in hot conditions, and the arctic fox live in colder conditions. Also, they don't look like each other, the fennec fox has large ears so it can loose heat fast from it giant span, and it is has a much smaller skeleton to the arctic fox. Also, the fennec fox is an gingery colour. The arctic fox has small ears so it doesn't loose as much heat so it can stay warm in it harsh environment, it has white fur, and a much bigger skeleton to the fennec fox.

Do arctic foxes keep warm or cool?

They have smaller ears to conserve heat. Foxes from warmer areas have larger ears to help dissipate heat.

How long can a foxes ears be?

up to half a foot

What predator bites off sheep's ears?


How long are fennec foxes?

Fennec Foxes ears can usually grow to an average of 10-15cm. :) LOL

Do red foxes pant?

All foxes pant and some raise their ears in-order to cool-down.

Why do foxes have pointed ears?

When a fox's ears move forward, just like when dogs move their ears forward, they're attempting to focus all of their ears to one spot. This helps them hear faint sounds, which for foxes mostly helps in hunting the small, skittish animals that make up their diet.