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Q: Do frogs hide in tall grass?
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Does raikou hide in grass?

Raikou on Pokemon games does hide in grass... but only the grass you can ride your bike in which means hes not in the TALL grass hope i helped

How do cheetahs stalk their prey?

Very carefully ... they hide in the tall grass.

How do cheetahs sneak up on their prey?

No, they normally hide from a distance like about 10 meters then run its prey down.

What do deers use for shelter?

Most deers live in foresty areas or tall grassy areas. Forest deer hide behind large trees. Grass deer lay low in the tall grass to hide.

Why are grass frogs different from other frogs?

only some frogs eat grass but not all!!!!!!!!! mostly grass frogs eat that

How does grass help cheetahs?

Cheetahs blend in well with the tall, dry grasses of the savanna so they are able to hide from prey as well as potential predators. Cheetahs hide their cubs in tall grass.

What is the biome of a Jaguar?

jaguars live in grassland because the tall grass to hide behind

What keep snake away?

short grass less mice,rats,anything they can posibitily can eat.(like to hide in tall grass)

Are grass frogs green?

Grass frogs are green or light brown.

What do frogs do frogs do when a storm is coming?

they hide

How many grass frogs are there?

There are approximately 60,000 species of grass frogs living in the world.

How tigers stay safe?

Tigers hide to stay safe. They are colored in such a way to make it easy for them to hide in their natural habitat. They can easily hide behind bushes, trees, and tall grass.