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Q: Do fruit flies die immediately after they lay eggs?
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How did the fruit flies in space die?

hey didnt have fruit flies in space.

Did the fruit flies in space die?

no fruit flies died in space because they are unvertebrated and can resist better to radiations

How will male fruit flies repond to already mated female fruit flies?

They can only mate once so when its done they die after 2 hours

Why do flies have maggots when they die?

Flies lay their eggs and when they hatch, it forms the maggot's, the fly larva , before they develop into flies.

Do flies die when they have maggots?

Flies lay their eggs and when they hatch, it forms the maggot's, the fly larva , before they develop into flies.

Is it better for you to die in the hotness or coldness?

i think it is better to die from coldness because if you die from heatness the flies will get all around your body and it can lay eggs and then there would be more and more flies on your body

What would happen to human sperm inside a female dog Does it die immediately or does the sperm try to mate with the females eggs?

The sperm is incompatible with the female eggs, and would not interact with it.

Where do fruit flies go if they don't go to the traps but they disappear?

Gnats have a short life span. During this short time they breed, lay eggs and die within a few weeks. If you want more information go to It should be helpful.

Are maggots in your body then when you die do they hatch and become flies?

No. When an animal dies, flies are attracted to the body, lay eggs that hatch into larvae, and those larvae pupate into flies - just like caterpillars into butterflies, really, just instead of a butterfly laying her eggs on a plant, flies lay theirs on dead flesh.

Why fruit flies used an experiment and net humans?

I am assuming you mean 'Why are fruit flys used in experiments and not humans?' in which case the answer is there are so many fruit flies and they are not really neccicary to us humans. Also if something goes wrong, humans could die or get mentally ill. Fruit flys just croak over and aren't missed. Correct me if I am wrong please.

Do both parents of honey bees provide for the young or just one?

Neither. The drones (males) die immediately after mating, and the queen only lays eggs, she does no other work in the hive. The eggs and larvae are cared for by the worker bees.

When humans die where do the worms that eat them come from?

What eats human corpses are not worms, but maggots. Maggots are the offspring of flies. Dead things tend to attract flies (the stench of rotting flesh may be disgusting to us, but lovely to flies), and those flies come and eat the flesh as well as lay eggs on the decaying body. Once the eggs hatch, you get maggots, which also consume the flesh/bodily fluids of the body.