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Q: Do ginger and potatoes make food for the plant?
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Can ginger make its own food?

Yes it can make its own food. It is a plant so it can.

What kind of food do you make with potatoes?

mash potatoes

Can potatoes produce seeds?

See answer to question, Can potato make new plant? You can plant the whole potato to make a new plant, or wait until it grows "eyes" on the outside, which are the "seeds" that form new plants. Each eye can make one new plant. Farmers use baby potatoes, or 'seed potatoes' to start new plants.

Where does a plant make its food?

the leaves make the plant's foodA plant makes it food in its vacuole

Do plant cells help make the plants make food?

Yes, plant cells do help the plant make food. There are certain cells in the plant that help the plant produce food.

What gas does a plant need to make food?

a plant requires CO2 to make food

How does the potato get from photosynthesis to your product?

Potatoes are roots, they don't use photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of plants to make 'food' for the plant. Roots take up nutrients from soil.

What is a plants food called?

There many types of that plants grow such as, potatoes, rice, bananas and many more.

Where do plant make food?

the part of the plant that makes food is the leaves then it travals through out the plant.

Do the chloroplasts make food for the plant?

im not fully sure but I have a strong feeling it does make food for the plant

What process will a plant use to make food?

A plant will use the process of photosynthesis to make its own food.

What is the object making plant food?

The photosynthesis in the leaves make the plant food