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Q: Do giraffes help people
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Related questions

What is being done to help the giraffes?

People are setting up missions to stop people from hunting them, they are trying to set aside land for them, they are relocating and releasing them from zoos and rescue centers into the wild. Those are just some things people are doing to help the giraffes.

Why do giraffes need ossicones?

giraffes need it to help them survive

Do giraffes color help it blend into its surroundings?

Are giraffes babies born live

Why do people like the bones of giraffes?

:(. i luv giraffes

Are giraffes people?

NO!! giraffes are very tall animals.

How does the giraffe help the oxpecker?

how do the giraffes help the oxpeckers

How does giraffes teeth help them eat?

for chewing

Why are giraffe's important?

Because, other animals feed on them, then the remains go into the ground to help the soil, then new trees grow from that soil, that baby giraffes get to eat. giraffes are very important.

How do giraffes help the jungle?

Giraffes don't live in jungles. Giraffes prefer grasslands mixed with stands of acacia trees. Since giraffes don't live in jungles, they don't influence jungles either way.

What kind of problems do giraffes have with people and the environmet?

giraffes are cute and i don't know anything about them!

Do giraffes recognize people?

No, they only recognise other giraffes and self aware robots

Did people worship giraffes?
