

Do girls exit feces

Updated: 11/20/2022
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10y ago

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Yes, life abounds everywhere on our planet. This is often the result of an attack of food poisoning or infective diarrhea.

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Q: Do girls exit feces
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Does all feces exit rectum?

All feces do exit via the rectum.

Is the rectum the exit for excrement or feces?

Excrement is the same thing as feces. Although it is arguable that excrement is the material after it is excreted from the body (as opposed to the material still in the rectum), the matter is the same. Also, it should be noted that the rectum is not the exit, just the final storage place before the anus, the true exit.

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Uric acid. As chickens do not urinate they process the urine through the same exit as their feces. The gray/white stuff is the result. This way they do not lose water by passing urine.

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Yes, the cellulose in the paper can clog up your small intestine and cause your feces to exit you genitailia

What happens in the anus during digestion?

The anus is the exit hole from the rectum and through which undigested food in the form of feces exits the digestive tract.

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If you are talking about the northend of a southbound chicken then just one. The cloaca is a duel purpose exit for both feces and eggs.

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Infants exit through the birth canal (vagina).

Why does poop come out of our buttocks?

It is one of the holes in your body. Bowel movements come out of the anus because that is the exit from the body's intestinal tract, where the digestive system eliminates waste (feces) from the body.

Why is it whenever i have my period it contains feces and days after i ahev finished my period i am still defecating my undies?

Are you sure what you're seeing is feces? If there is no characteristic odor of feces, it's more likely that what your seeing is normal menstrual discharge, which can be brown, or reddish brown, especially towards the end of menstruation.Another, much less likely possibility is a vagino-rectal fistula, which is an abnormal tunnel between the vagina and the rectum that could cause small amounts of feces to exit from the vagina. But it isn't likely that this would happen only during your period.If you're still worried, or sure that it is feces, you should consult your doctor.

Is it feces or feces?

Feces is correct in America. Faeces is correct in International English.

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Hidden. Use the Dowsing Machine in front of the exit of the hotel