

Do golden retrievers play outside a lot?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Golden retrievers are very active and energetic dogs. They can be indoors with their families, but they need a lot of outdoor play time as well. If they are not able to burn off all the energy that they need to, behavioral problems will start to pop up. Like kids, they have to shed that energy somewhere.

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Q: Do golden retrievers play outside a lot?
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Yes, they do shed dander almost constantly, even with daily brushing and frequent washing. Golden Retrievers and asthma do not mix. Not at all.

Are golden retriever house dogs?

It is your choice. Golden Retrievers make great house pets because they are loving and fun to be around how ever, they do shed a lot. Some people keep them outside. Really, for this type of dog it is your choice but they would probably like to be inside with people.

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Golden retrievers do for sure and i am pretty sure st Bernard's, beagles, dashounds, American mastiff

What percentage does a golden retriever shed?

golden retrievers shed quite a lot, especially in the summer and warm weather.

How are golden retrevers different from labs and how are they similar?

they are different by their fur, golden retrievers have long while labs have short. and by what they were used for (their nature) labs were taken on fishing boats over freezing waters, so if a fish escaped, they could swim in after it, golden retrievers were not really used at all. and the amount of shedding golden's shed A LOT! they are similar by their popularity in the U.S, they do both retrieve although the lab tends to do more, both are usually good with kids, and are taught easily. (golden retrievers came from labs)

Where can you find about golden retriever?

If you are looking for all different types of information about just the Golden Retriever breed, then I've attached a link to a website that is dedicated to Golden Retrievers. It covers raising and training a Golden puppy, basic care, whelping and a lot of other things.

Are Golden Retrievers happy Sad or Angry?

That is a lot like asking if a person is happy, sad, or angry. It depends on the life that you give them, and what is happening to them at that moment. Overall though, a well balanced golden is a cheerful pet.