

Do goldfish eat newts eggs

Updated: 12/11/2022
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11y ago

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NO,they will not eat newt eggs unless there really hungry the will stay with goldfish flakes and other stuff

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Q: Do goldfish eat newts eggs
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Do newts eat chunks out of goldfish?

Yes they do. Newts and other amphibians should never be kept with fish if you want the fish to survive.

Do you keep baby newts away from adult newts?

Most newts should be kept away from the adults. If adults do not eat enough they will eat their own eggs.

Do newts eat there own eggs?

heck yea why not

Does goldfish eat there eggs?

Yes they do.

Don't want the goldfish eggs?

Don't worry!!! Goldfish eat their own eggs!!! If you want the eggs, then you have to separate the mother from the eggs.

Do goldfish eat there own fish?

If you mean will a goldfish eat its own fry or eggs then the answer is yes.

Do the female goldfish eat her eggs?

no, it does'nt

How long will a pond goldfish stay with her eggs?

Goldfish will start to eat their eggs once they have finished spawning them. They do not look after their eggs at all.

Can you leave your goldfish in the tank with eggs?

no it is best to remove the eggs with the plant that the eggs are on otherwise the parents will eat the eggs

Can the eggs of the goldfish survive without the mom?

Goldfish do not look after their eggs or babies. They will eat their eggs if they can find them so the breeders should be removed once spawning has finished.

Must you put the male and female goldfish in the same tank as the eggs?

No, if you do that than the parent goldfish (and any other goldfish around) will eat all the eggs and any possible fry.

Why do birds eat their own eggs?

Yes it is perfectly natural behavior for a goldfish to eat its own eggs and/or fry. That is why you must sepperate the parents from the eggs/fry when you breed goldfish.