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every guy is different. I prefer shy girls but I'm more shy myself. If he is loud and dumb he probably likes girls that are load and dumb.

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Q: Do guys like shy girls or girls who are more loud and act dumb?
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Do teenage guys like shy girls or girls that are more loud and act dumb?

It really really depends on the type of guy.

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It depends on the guy.

Do guys like loud or quiet girls?

Preferences vary among individuals. Some guys may prefer outgoing and talkative girls, while others may prefer more reserved and quiet personalities. It's important to be authentic and true to yourself.

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That really depends on the personality of the girl.

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Girls when u are dating a guy you need to have manners. Yes you can laugh and show your natural self but dnt do it to the point were he won't like you anymore. Some guys like neat freaks, some guys like loud girls, and some guys like quiet girls. Just remeber manners is the key.

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There is no such thing as what most guys like...every guy is different and is attarcted to different girls for different reasons. Sorry if this is not a very helpful answer but it is very true!! yah, all guys are different... but id rather prefer a semi shy, sweet girl tho most guys like something in the middle

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Dumb Loud Hollow Twang was created in 1997-03.

Who to know if she is in to you?

if she blushes when you look at her or sometimes girls laugh out loud to catch a guys attention. lol yeahh

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Well it depends if the type of girl! If she is hyper-funny-Loud,than she will most likely be atraccted to him.but if she vb is a quiet/shy girl than more than likely not!

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Dumb Loud Hollow Twang Deluxe was created in 2003-09.

Why do girls cry more than guys?

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we hate it cause usually if its loud then it hurts the earth and smells alot. plus women like to talk to guys and if the exhaust is loud we cant be heard.