

Do hamsters come home tame

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Some hamster may come home very nice and tame. But some you have to tame them youself.

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Q: Do hamsters come home tame
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Not tame hamsters

How offen shall you handel your hamsters?

If you're just starting to tame him/her, then once a days fine. If their already tame, as often as you like!

What are hamsters bad at?

hamsters are bad at eating clothes if you don't tame them they are also bad at sniffing everything that is around but who doesn't. PHOTOS!

How do you tame hyper active hamsters?

The way to tame it is too slowly give it a treat and calmly stroke it with your thumb hopefuly that will do it!! I hope i was help

Do hamsters like people?

Yes, they are very tame as long as you spend lots of time with them :)

Where the heck do hamsters come from?

hamsters come from their mamma hamsters i should know i breed them

Are Gold Hamsters Nicer Then Teddy bear hamsters?

Both hamsters are very nice, and you would enjoy both of them. They are both take about the same time to tame, and one is not more aggressive than the other. Hope this helped!

What is tamer black bear hamsters or teddy bear hamsters?

They are both just types of Syrian hamster, so either will be fine. It all depends on the individual hamster and if you tame it correctly.

When do Syrian hamsters come out?

All types of hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they come out at night.

What hamsters like being handled not to loud and can be kept in pairs?

Any hamster is ok with being handled once they're used to it. You have to tame them when they are young. And dwarf hamsters are best for keeping in pairs. Not Syrian hamsters because they will fight. Hope this helps!

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Where do fancy hamsters come from?

fancy hamsters are another name for cambells and they come from Europe