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Hamsters make their nest out of whatever soft thing they get. Try not to give them toilet paper, though! They might try to store it in their pouches, and be unable to get it out later and get sick. I give my hamsters bedding and piece of my old shirt so it knows my scent.

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Q: Do hamsters make their nest out of toilet paper?
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Do dwarf hamsters eat paper?

No, they don't eat it. They chew on it and use the shreds for their nest.

Can gerbils eat paper?

They can gnaw on them, but they can't live on them.

How much bedding do you put on a gerbil cage?

From what I read you need to put at least an inch of bedding in there cage and give them toilet paper and cardboard tubes to chew up to make a nest.

What do Golden Hamsters do when they are pregnant?

The female will try to build a nest so give her some toilet paper or bedding, and she'll need fresh water and food every day throughout her pregnancy. Don't pick her up on the final week of pregnancy. When they're pregnant they'll stop having periods and will eat more and get noticeably fatter, and will start building a nest.

Do hamsters build a nest if there pregnant?

yes they do

What do hamsters normally do when they are pregnant?

They start building a nest.

Do teddy bear hamsters make nest in conner of cages?

Yes they will if they have nowhere else to make it. It is better to supply them with a nesting box of some description.

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Do Guinea pigs nest like hamsters?

Guinea pigs don't actually nest under their bedding like hamsters, but they do love to hide in spaces like their Igloo, and they like to crawl through tunnels and things. But make sure you guinea pig has alot of space to run in its cage. Hope this helps! :)

Your hamsters cheeks are swollen what is wrong?

Nothing is wrong with them. Hamsters store food in their cheek pounches and regurgitate it in the nest for later consumption.

How do you get rid of paper wasp nest?

you can just burn the nest.

What do birds use to make a nest?

everything from feathers, to twigs, to paper... anything. Amanda Steffey