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[From Genetics of prostate cancer part of the National Cancer Institute website]

As with breast and colon cancer, familial clustering of prostate cancer has been reported frequently. From 5% to 10% of prostate cancer cases are believed to be due primarily to high-risk inherited genetic factors or prostate cancer susceptibility genes. Results from several large case-control studies and cohort studies representing various populations suggest that family history is a major risk factor in prostate cancer. A family history of a brother or father with prostate cancer increases the risk of prostate cancer by 2-fold to 3-fold, and the risk is inversely related to the age of the affected relative.

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Q: Do hereditary factors increase the likelihood of contracting prostate cancer?
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What is it likelihood of a man dying of prostate cancer compared to his likelihood of getting prostate cancer?

Usually, a man will die from something other than prostate cancer because it is a slow moving disease, and it usually affects older men. There are certain fast moving types of prostate cancer that if contracted by a younger man in their 40's may well be the cause of their death.

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Drinking cranberry juice is healthy for the prostate. The healthier the prostate the better it will perform.

Which muscle expels urine in males?

The Blader contracting and the Prostate relaxing to allow urine to flow

What does genetic test mean?

It is a scientific test which studies someones DNA. The reason for the test is usually to see if someone is at risk of contracting certain hereditary diseases such as Prostate Cancer. Another reason for such a test is in criminology to see if the person's DNA matches that of criminal evidence left at a crime scene.

What is the pathophysiology of enlargement of prostate gland?

An enlargement of the prostate gland may restrict the flow of urine from the bladder. The prostate gland grows larger due to an increase in the number of cells, hyperplasia.

Can prostate cancer be atributed to colon cancer?

Prostate cancer and colon cancer are two distinct types of cancer that affect different organs within the body. While they can occur concurrently in the same individual, one is not directly attributed to the other in terms of causality. However, there are some factors that may increase the risk of developing both prostate and colon cancer: Genetic Factors: Some hereditary cancer syndromes, such as Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC), can predispose individuals to both colon and prostate cancer. In these cases, specific genetic mutations increase the likelihood of developing various types of cancer, including those affecting the colon and prostate. Age: Both prostate cancer and colon cancer are more common in older individuals. As age increases, the risk of developing these cancers also rises. Lifestyle Factors: Certain lifestyle habits, such as a diet high in red and processed meats, low intake of fruits and vegetables, lack of physical activity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption, are associated with an increased risk of both prostate and colon cancer. Inflammation: Chronic inflammation in the body may contribute to the development of various cancers, including prostate and colon cancer. Conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, have been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer. Inflammation of the prostate gland, such as in cases of chronic prostatitis, may also play a role in the development of prostate cancer. While these factors may overlap and increase the risk of developing both prostate and colon cancer, it's essential to understand that each cancer has its unique risk factors, causes, and mechanisms of development. Additionally, early detection through screening and prompt medical intervention are crucial for managing both prostate and colon cancer effectively. If you have concerns about your risk of developing these cancers, it's recommended to discuss them with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance based on your medical history and risk factors.

Can palpating the prostate increase PSA blood test after the digital exam?


Does having intercourse if a man has prostate cancer increase chances of cancer spreading?

No. Sex does not cause cancer to spread.

What does the medical abbreviation BPH mean?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia -an increase in size of the prostate in middle-aged and elderly men

Is ok to take Viagra before a prostate biopsy?

Not a good idea. It may increase bleeding and cause problems. Discuss it with your physician.

Are men with prostate cancer infertile?

Prostate cancer itself does not cause infertility, but rather the removal of the prostate gland can effect a male's ability to father a child naturally. He can still father a child via Invitro Fertilization. Medical research has shown that Infertility can increase the chances of developing prostate cancer.

Is prostate massage a positive thing again prostate cancer?

Prostate massage is only recommended for prostate health issues, such as enlarged prostate (BPH) or prostatitis (prostate inflammation). Due to the potential risk of releasing prostate cancer cells that can spread to the body, it is not recommended that men with prostate cancer perform prostate massage.