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Generally, no, high school teachers do not make fun of their students behind their backs. Teachers usually have much higher regard for students than to make fun of them at all. That's not to say that they might not share something funny that a student said or did. That would not be meant to make fun of the student, though, but simply to share a "lighter moment" with others.

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Q: Do high school teachers make fun of their students behind their backs?
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Talking about teachers behind their backs is considered as one of the most serious illegal offences in most countries. It could lead to an AVO from the teacher and in some cases even a sentence of 2-8 years in jail. If attempting to talk about a teacher behind their back, please be aware that you could risk your own and the person you are talking to lives. Okay, seriously, i have absolutely no idea how you came up with such a question, ignore the above and look at this responce given by some one else: Talking about anyone behind their backs is not illegal a person has freedom of speech under protections of the Constitution. However, if what you say is damaging to the person then you can be sued for defamation of character.

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if your parent's allow you to. don't do it behind their backs

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it is being caused by the unqualified teachers, who are lazy to work in the classroom managementopinionMore than lightly the lack of discipline of the pupils and that is caused because of the lack of decent parents and the erosion of moral standards generally, plus the end of a good caning, spare the rod spoil the child. Teachers have their hands tied behind their backs when it comes to discipline so it is no wonder that half the time they can't be bothered.

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Yes he always goes behind peoples backs the snae