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Not necessarily, it may simply be that their interests do not coincide with most other people. Mensa is a highly social organization.

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Q: Do highly intelligent people lack social skills?
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Toucans do live in Peru. Toucans are also referred to as a flying banana and are highly social, intelligent birds.

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Social skills are learned methods of interacting with people. Things like eye contact, making interesting conversation and involving people in discussions are good social skills.

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Interpersonal skills or communication skills.

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people skills tactical skills social skills There are no real antonyms to interpersonal skills, except maybe individuality.

What are adaptive and social skills?

It means hat you have people skills like for example, I am outgoing and love to talk with people if i get the chance and adaptions with social skills are when you keep doing that skill, and make it more affective.

Is intelligence associated with unhappiness?

I don't think so. I think the most intelligent people live the happiest and most fulfilling lives. Intelligent people have high morality and fear God, that is like a definition of intelligence. I believe that people who are truly intelligent trust in Jesus, have good social skills and have strong relationships. That is true wisdom to me.

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An individual's ability to relate to and communicate with people is known as?

Social skills.

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No social life.

What is social gain?

Social Gain is the sum of all gains from trading to all your participants. It could also be gaining social skills by spending more time with people, around social people.