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Answer: in Rama avtar called Ravan and Krishna avtar called Kaurava, king Kansh.

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Q: Do hindus believe in Satan
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Do Hindus believe in human sacrifice?

No. Hindus do not believe in human sacrifice.

Do Hindus have in an afterlife?

Hindus believe in reincarnation.

What do Hindus believe about jesus?

Some Hindus believe he didn't exist. Some Hindus believed he existed but wasn't divine. Some Hindus believe that he existed and was divine. It all depends on the Hindu that is asked.

Which religions believed in reincarnation?

Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs believe in reincarnation.

What did the Hindu's believe in?

Hindus believe god

Do Hindus sacrifice cows?

No, hindus believe the cow is a sacred animal.

Is it bad to believe in Satan?

* No, it is not bad. In fact, you should believe in Satan. If you don't, then you probably don't believe in God. God believes in Satan--he created him! Christians believe that it is bad if you worship Satan or do things that you know are ungodly, but it is not bad to believe in him. They say you should just make sure that you do not worship him. * Not at all! Satan is a wonderful deity, and Satanists believe he is the true, original god. They say, do not be afraid to worship him, just do what you believe in and don't let people get in your way. * Satan is the absolute opposite to God so if you believe in God you should also believe in Satan as well.

What do Hindus believe about the Holy Spirit?

For Hindus, the Holy Spirit does not exist, just as Christians believe that Vishnu does not exist.

What hindus believe about creation and death?

hindus believe in Reincarnation (punarjanma) theoty. We are trapped in cycle of life and death is their belief.

How do beliefs of Hindus differ from those of Jews and Christians and Musllims?

Hindus believe in rebirth and reincarnation, which the three religions do not believe in.

Did hindus believe in gods?


Who do Hindus believe God is?

They have about 500