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Hindus believe in rebirth and reincarnation, which the three religions do not believe in.

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Q: How do beliefs of Hindus differ from those of Jews and Christians and Musllims?
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Why do Hindus people believe they can be reborn?

All religions have a series of core beliefs that define their existence. For Hindus the belief in reincarnation is one of these facts. While the core beliefs of any faith may differ, or be in direct opposition, to beliefs of other groups there is no reason to suspect that the beliefs were not arrived at though conscientious reasoning of honorable people. As the saying goes "Each mother finds her own child to be most beautiful." For this specific question the contents of and commentaries on the Bhagavadgita and the Vedas, or discussion with Hindu friends would be most useful in getting a properly nuanced reply.

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Christians differ in some of these beliefs, but what I answer is what I and fellow evangelical Christians believe: Christians believe that birth is a miracle, and the birth of a child is a gift from God to their parents. "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" is a ray of hope for Christians regarding death. Life on Earth is temporary, and death is simply passing on to meet the Father. Marriage is where many issues come up and a debate can start. Marriage, as the Bible defines it, is a sacred between 1 MAN and 1 WOMAN. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about that. Marriage is a sacred sybmol of Christ's relationship with the church (his bride).

How do you put differ in a sentence?

I can still like someone even if we differ in our religious beliefs.

are you sure you to go to hell?

This depends on your personal beliefs. Many believe that heaven and hell exist after death, but your beliefs may differ.

How did the supporters of Jackson and Adams differ their beliefs?

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