

Do horseshoe crabs live in UK?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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9y ago

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Although horseshoe crab fossils have been found in the UK, horseshoe crabs do not currently live in or around the UK. They are found in shallow salt water along the east coast of the US and in various parts of Asia.

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9y ago
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What kind of climates do horseshoe crabs live in?

Horseshoe crabs normally live in a tropical climate.

Where are horseshoe crabs born?

Horseshoe crabs are born (hatch) in the ocean.

Are horseshoe crabs related to regular crabs?

no//////////////////horseshoe crabs are related to spiders and scorpions.. WEIRD RIGHT!!

What problems do horseshoe crabs have?

their horseshoe crabs so everyone makes fun of them

Are horseshoe crabs a problem?

no! horseshoe crabs have blue blood wich helps people. horseshoe crabs are colected then blood is taken from them then returned to the water.

Where do horseshoe crabs live water or land?

they live in water but do wander onto land for food or mateing.

Are all horseshoe crabs parasites?

Horseshoe crabs are not parasitic. Parasitism describes creatures which live on, and usually feed on, another host organism. Since horseshoe crabs range freely in and around coastal waters and feed on worms, molluscs, crustaceans and even small fish, they would be better described as predators not parasites.

What are the different kinds of crabs?

The three I know of are fiddler crabs, hermit crabs and horseshoe crabs.

What are some types of crabs?

Some types of crabs I know of are fiddler crabs, hermit crabs and horseshoe crabs.

How does horseshoe crabs eat?


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Were does horseshoe crabs sleep?

They do not sleep.