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I think you may have an overjet

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Q: Do i have buck teeth I have a 5 percent overbite and my front teeth stick out?
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What is the average overbite?

The average overbite in adults is around 2-4 millimeters. Overbite occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth vertically by this amount. It is important to consult with a dentist or orthodontist if you have concerns about your overbite.

If you have an 80 percent overbite and crooked teeth could that affect the way you talk?

No. I went to the orthodontist yesterday to see about getting braces and they said I have an 80 percent overbite and I can still speak perfectly fine.

Can you still get braces even if your teeth are straight and you only need to fix an overbite and line up your lateral incisors with your two front teeth?


Large overbite and many crooked teeth your orthodontist suggests you have orthodontic surgery to fix your overbite Is this necessary?


How do you know you have an overbite?

Having an overbite is when a person's bottom teeth are further back than their front teeth. The condition can be corrected. I have overbite and I and comfortable with it. In order to get over from the problems of jaw deformities including Overbite, can be corrected by the help of Orthognathic surgery. This surgery actually works and helpful for the people who have inappropriate bite. Oral surgeon repositions the entire jaw bone as per the patient's requirement and makes them in proper alignment as well.

Does a normal set of teeth have a slight overbite?


I have almost a two centimeter overbite and I have big front teeth that stick out im really self conscious and I hate my smile what can I do to fix this?

GO TO THE DENTIST! but don't be scared. i go to the dentist all the time so time to tell you parents if you did not and go to the dentist

How can an overbite be corrected?

In order to correct an overbite, you will need to work closely with an orthodontist, a doctor who specializes in dentistry. Most people with an overbite will wear a retainer or braces to correct the problem. During the process of adjusting your overbite, you will probably make frequent trips to the dentist so he or she can track your progress. Although it is inconvenient to follow these

Why do dogs get an overbite?

its just the way there teeth form and grow

How should teeth look like after braces and an overbite?


Do you need braces because your bottom teeth hit the roof your mouth?

Yes because if you have an overbite it has to fix the top and bottom to have perfect teeth i know because i have braces for an overbite.

Will your over bite get better once your wisdom teeth are pulled out?

Probably not. It's an old wives tale that wisdom teeth cause crowding in the front teeth. You would need orthodontics or surgery to move things back enough to correct an overbite.