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Q: Do i have to separate my pot bellied pig from male before she gives birth?
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if u do not want as much kittens

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When the female has kits do you separate the male?

You should separate them before she has the babies because almost right after she gives birth she can become pregnant again and you will have bunny explosion!!! Separate them!! The world does not need more bunnies!!!!! :) hope that helps.

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gives birth

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sometimes, if you feed your cat before it gives birth it will most likely vomit.

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You should separate the father from the female boxer and the puppies once she gives birth.

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she doesn't give birth - she lays eggs. :o)

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before or after she gives birth? And are we talking human or animal

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Before a horse gives complete birth, she (the mare) will start to have very strong contractions, strong enough contractions to break a man's arm. Then they give birth.

Do guinea pigs move all of their bedding before giving birth?

yes so the when she gives birth her babies will be warm

Can you touch a rabbit's nest before she gives birth?

I wouldn't because she put it how she wants it let her birth be comfortable as possible.

Can you know if you are the father before she gives birth?

Yes would involve DNA testing.