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You are the only one that has all of the information that would be needed for you to determine if you meet the FTHBC rules.

Go to the IRS gov web site and use the search box for First-Time Homebuyer Credit

Taxpayers who have a binding contract to purchase a home before May 1, 2010, are eligible for the credit. Buyers must close on the home before July 1, 2010.

General InformationHomebuyers who purchased a home in 2008, 2009 or 2010 may be able to take advantage of the first-time homebuyer credit. The credit:
  • Applies only to homes used as a taxpayer's principal residence.
  • Reduces a taxpayer's tax bill or increases his or her refund, dollar for dollar.

  • Is fully refundable, meaning the credit will be paid out to eligible taxpayers, even if they owe no tax or the credit is more than the tax owed.

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Q: Do i still qualify for first time home buyers taxes?
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You are a retiree and dont file taxes do you qualify for first time home buyers tax credit?

Yes, the credit is fully refundable. You will have to file a tax return to claim it, however.

If you filled your taxes after April 15th will still get a stimulus check?

Pretty sure the only requirement to get the stimulus check is you have to file taxes for last year 2007.

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Yes, you qualify for the widow exemption on your taxes.

Can your daughter apply for wic she is under 18 and still lives with her parents you make good money but you are still just making ends met?

To my knowledge, she can but you cannot be claiming her on your taxes as a dependent for her to qualify.

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Income tax

Do you get a child tax credit on a child that is 17 and still in high school and living at home?

No, when I filed my taxes for my 17 yr old I didn't qualify for Child Tax Credit.

What does deductible deductions mean?

Subtract amount from taxes owed. (If you qualify for the deduction)

If you live in SC and work in NC do you qualify for instate SC college tuition?

You qualify for instate tuition in whichever state you pay your taxes in.

What is Legally escape taxes by not earning enough to qualify to pay them?

you speaka da english?

Will I have to pay a capital gain's tax on my home if I sell it?

No unless that is yours and the buyers agreement they might have you pay taxes or they won't move in and if they do pay taxes you won't have to worry about them.

If you qualify for the first time homeowner credit and owe the department of revenue money will they take that refund?

Yes up to the amount of past due taxes, interest and penalties that are due.

Can you remain a dependent on your parents taxes if you get married and both of the people married were dependent on their parents still?

No, if both spouses were claimed as dependents on their parents' taxes, they would not be able to file jointly as married. They would likely not qualify as dependents on their parents' taxes anymore once they are married and establishing their own household.