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There is no electron exchange when no reaction takes place (this is what 'inert' means)

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Q: Do inert elements gain electrons
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What group does not want to gain or lose electrons?

As a general rule, the noble gases do not lose or gain valence electrons because in most reactions they are considered inert.

What are Zero group elements?

The Group 0 elements are called the noble gases. These are the six gases that are almost completely inert. Since they do not lose or gain any electrons, their valence is 0.

Does group 2A elements lose or gain protons or electrons?

Group 2A elements tend to GAIN electrons!!

What elements gain electrons when they bond?

Nonmetals gain electrons in chemical reactions.

Which type of element seeks to gain electrons?

Non-metals gain electrons.

What type of elements gain and loose electrons as they form bonds?

Metals lose electrons, nonmetals gain electrons.

When elements gain three electrons to fill its valence energy level?

When these elements have five electrons on the outermost shell of electrons.

Do elements in the non-metal family gain or lose electrons?

Actually, non metals always gain electrons

What are formed when elements gain or loose electrons?


Why do atoms gain loose or share electrons?

Atom loose or gain electron to make its octet complete. It is done to achieve inert state.

Why are noble elements also called inert elements?

Noble gases have completely filled orbitals / energy levels. They generally have 8 valence electrons (helium has only 2 valence electrons) and have stable electronic configuration. Hence they are chemically inert,generally do not form compounds under normal conditions and are known as inert gases.

Which compounds are tetravalent?

Tetravalent means having 4 valence electrons. The elements in the 14th group are tetravalent. They do not lose or gain electrons. they gain electrons.