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Q: Do insect pollinated plants lead to inbreeding or out breeding?
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What are some insect pollinated plants?

All plants except the imperfect flower that has no pistil

What are two examples of insect pollinated plants?

Cherry trees and tomato plants.

Are wind pollinated plants attractive?

That is a matter of taste. Grasses (the prime example) can be very attractive. It is the flower not the plants being attractive in case of insect pollinated and not so attractive in case of wind pollinated.

What step did Mendel take to be sure his pea plants crossed pollinated?

he used plants that were NOT true breeding!

What step did Mendel take to be sure that his pea plants cross -pollinated?

he used plants that were NOT true breeding!

What did Mendel do to make sure the plants in his experiments cross pollinated and did not self pollinate?

he used plants that were NOT true breeding!

What are two adaptations of insect-pollinated flowers?

Color and fragrance are two adaptations of insect-pollinated flowers. Flowering plants which benefit from insect pollinators need to call attention to themselves by arthropod-attractive scents and striking colors.

What is pollinated flowers?

A flowering plant whose seed production is facilitated by insect pollinators is what an insect-pollinated flower is. Pollinating insects move pollen grains from female to male plant parts or from female part-only plants to male part-only plants.

Which content does not have bees?

The continent that does not have bees is known as Antarctica. This is the only continent that does not have what are known as insect-pollinated flowering plants.

What is an insect-pollinated flower?

Any flower that is pollinated by an animal (not insect); pollinators include birds, bats, small mammals etc.

Why don't wind pollinated flowers are not colourful?

They don't need to be. Color is one method used by insect pollinated plants to attract the insects. Wind pollinated plants such as Grasses and Pine trees don't need to attract pollinators. The male flowers simply release the pollen on to the breeze on a "hit or miss" basis.

Is a buttercup flower a wind or insect pollinated plant?

It's bright and showy, and even has little nectar ducts under its petals, so insect-pollinated. Wind-pollinated plants generally don't have flowers, or the flowers are very small and inconspicuous, like those of grass. Wind-pollinated plants also make far more pollen (try tapping a pine tree or reed in spring) because the wind does not take it directly to its destination, much of it will be lost. With insects there's a fair chance the little there is will reach another flower of the same species.