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In insects important salts and water are re-absorbed by both the hindgut and rectum.

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Q: Do insects absorb nutrients through their anus?
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How long does it take for meth to absorb through the anus?

15 days

How does the structure of the small intestine help the intestine absorb nutrients?

the villi in the small intestines.

What is the job of the small and large intestines in the digestive system?

Small-- digest food and send the nutrients to the body, the wastes to the anus. Large-- absorb excess water.

After digestion how do animals get nutrients?

animals get nutrients during digestion. the good stuff is absorbed through the digestive tract while the waste comes out of the anus.

What is the function of the small intestine in a chicken?

The Reproductive organ that travis enjoys most about the organ

What does a frog's small intestine do?

A frog's small intestine is in charge of the majority of its digestion. It helps its body absorb nutrients from food.

How do hyenas breathe?

Through there Anus with the process of diffusion. They excrete water and waste after nutrients have been absorbed, releasing it from their body cavity. From there they absorb in more water through their anus in which they diffuse out oxygen from. hope this helped!

Can food be digested in the anus?

The anus is merely a sphincter, it cannot digest or absorb anything. It is possible to introduce substances through the anus into the large intestine, which does have the capacity to absorb water or substances dissolved in water; it does not have the capacity to digest anything, however. Digestion takes place in the stomach and the small intestines, not in the large intestines.

Do tapeworms have a mouth and anus?

No; they lack a mouth and anus. Tapeworms depend on the diffusion of already digested nutrients through their body surfaces. The scolex that might appear to be a mouth is actually not an opening at all: it contains hooks to allow the worm to attach itself to the host's intestines. An organism which is considered to possess a complete gut will have a mouth, stomach, and anus.

Will sticking a tampon up your anus absorb farts?

No. Tampons absorb liquid, not air.

What is your large intestins?

The purpose of the large intestine is to absorb remaining water from indigestible food matter and then to eject it as solid waste through the anus.

What happens to the nutrients that are not absorbed by the body?

It is waste..............................................