

Do insects destroy crops

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, some insects definitely do that.

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Q: Do insects destroy crops
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Related questions

What are large numbers of insects or animals that destroy crops called?

Swarm of locust can be one that can destroy whole fields of crops.

Why do insects destroy crops in Kenya?

Most of the insects that live in Kenya need food so they eat the crops to keep alive.

Do spider destroy crops?

No, if anything they are beneficial since their diet is insects.

What destroy billions of dollars of food crops worldwide annually?


Why do you think insects are able to destroy so many crops in Kenya than the US?

There are more insects that are destructive in Kenya

What do you call a large number of insects or animals that destroy crops?

Infestation perhaps, but a plague of locusts.

Why can insects destroy more crops in Kenya than the us?

Because Kenya is smaller than the U.S.

What is the differences between helpfull insects and harmful insects?

Well harmfull insects are those that do damage to crops and helpfull insects are insects that help crops by either A:helping in the pollination of the crop or B: by eating or driving out those insects that are harmfull to the crops

Are wasps useful?

Wasps are useful to the food chain. Wasps eat caterpillars and other insects that destroy crops, as well as pollinate flowers and other plants.

Why can flood waters destroy crops and houses?

it can destroy houses and crops. Because the water erodes the ground

Why does killing insects on crops increase crop yield?

the insects don't eat/ damage crops and it allows to kill insects carrying plant disease.

What all destroys crops?

Instects often destroy crops.