

Do insects migrate

Updated: 12/8/2022
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15y ago

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yes butterflys

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Q: Do insects migrate
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Do walking stick insects migrate?

The majority of walking stick-type insects do not migrate. The majority, instead, hibernate during colder seasons. They also have a short lifespan,

Why do karibu migrate?

Caribou migrate so that they will have land to raise there young , which is cool in the winter , and also has less insects.

What is the reason Mexican free-tailed bats migrate?

when it is fall and insects are scarce, Mexican free-tailed bats migrate to mexico and south america all winter long. there, weather is warm and insects are plentiful

What are the insects that migrate through each fall?

The insects that migrates through the fall is called the- well I don't know why would you ask me such a thing I'm only 12 you meenys

Why do many bird species migrate to the tundra to mate in the summer?

Becuase of some insects

Do walking sticks migrate?

The majority of walking stick-type insects do not migrate. The majority, instead, hibernate during colder seasons. They also have a short lifespan,

What Insects migrate?

The monroach butterfly amd the painted lady butterfly

Does a tarsier's hibernate or migrate?

Tarsier's have low basal metabolic rates that allow them to go a few days without eating. They do not migrate or hibernate however. They rely on small insects and reptiles as food sources.

What sockeye salmon eat?

Sockeye salmon like to feed on aquatic insects when they are in freshwater. When they migrate to the ocean, they feed on squid, fish, amphipods and copepods.

How do insects survive Cold Seasons - did their eggs survive or new insects just migrate from the South to replenish the dead population each year?

The eggs are well hidden in a warm place, some still freeze but 3/4 survive

What insects migrate long distances?

Monarch Butterflies. They fly south for the winter like birds do.