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It is unlikely. Rabies is caught by the transfer of bodily fluids, and if an infected cat bites you, you may get rabies from his saliva. In order to catch rabies from a cat scratch, the cat must have bodily fluids on his claws, which is unlikely unless his feet are bleeding for some reason. If a cat gets into a fight with a rabid cat, and then scratches you when you try to separate them, it is possible that the rabid cat's blood can get into the scratch.

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Q: Do it gets a risk of rabies of a cat scratch?
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If cat gets infected with rabies how can it from spreading?

Put the cat down humanely.

Do Siamese cat have rabies?

Siamese cats do not inately have rabies, but it is possible for them to contract rabies as it is for any cat. It's best to have the animal vaccinated for rabies so it is protected from contracting the disease.

Do cats bites cause rabies?

Only if the cat had just licked it's paw. Rabies is transmitted through the saliva. I'm pretty sure the skin has to be broken, though. But be careful!! You could get cat scratch disease from it. Oh and keep in mind that the cat must have rabies to transfer it. It will be foaming from the mouth and be acting very hostile towards you.

If your vaccinated cat was attacked by a feral cat and you handled him shortly afterwards are you at risk for rabies?

It depends if the feral cat had rabies and if your cat has had a vaccine. If it has, you probably are in no danger. However, you should still bring him/her to the vet's office, just in case.

If my vaccinated cat was attacked by a feral cat and I handled him shortly afterwards am I at risk for rabies?

It depends on what kind of rabies shot your cat has because some last longer than others, and some require booster shots.

What do you do if you think a cat has Rabies?

Consult a vet immediately and get their advice Do not let it scratch or bite anyone Keep it away from other animals

What infectious diseases come from animal bites?

Infectious diseases from animal bites include cat-scratch disease, tetanus and rabies

If a cat gets bit in the chin by another animal can that cat die?

it depends how if that cat is bleeding if she's bleeding alot then yes if there is puss like slober on her cut the animal that bit the cat has rabies and she could possibly die and if she gets bit by an animal with rabies you better not touch her and call the animal vet RIGHT AWAY!!!

What diseases could a cat get from a fight with a stray cat?

The most common problem with cat fights is that when they scratch each other, they can leave bacteria under the skin, or even a piece of a nail under their opponent's skin, which then gets infected. This can then cause an abcess, which is a subcutaneous (under the skin) infection which will need to be drained by a vet, who will also prescribe an antibiotic. Rabies is high on the list once again and not all people keep their cat's shots up. However, if your cat has had their rabies shots then they should be just fine.

Is a streetcat safe without rabies with a safe cat collar?

I have often wondered this myself. It depends on where you live. i live in north California where our rabies incidences are pretty low so you wanna take a risk if bitten but the chances are still slim. Also even an animal has rabies they can only infect you through a bite or a deep scratch that had their saliva on it (like if they had just been licking themselves). Also usually it has to break the skin if its a scratch---bite doesnt need to. Also although this isn't safe to rely on, go by how the cat acts. If they are fat and friendly acting, or even skinny and friendly, then it means they probably don't have it. The disease has to be active to be contagious when through biting or scratching. And furthermore, you would not really itneract with a cat if it did try to bite/scratch you right? But just the same, when in doubt, don't go near a stray cat.

How can a person tell a cats age when its a stray?

You can make a rough guess based on bone size and the amount of gray/white hair in the muzzle. However, for a more accurate guess, you should let a vet take a look at the cat. Please do not try to handle a stray cat as if it were a house cat - while some strays are very nice and like people, most have learned (painfully) that humans are dangerous to them and will scratch and bite you to get away. This puts you at risk for diseases like rabies and cat scratch fever.

Which characters while scratch?

Scratch Cat and Gobo