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Not unless the governing authority (Board of Health, Inspectional Services Department, etc.) orders them to.

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Q: Do landlords have to do updates?
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When was The Landlords created?

The Landlords was created in 1983.

Is landlords contents insurance good?

Landlords Insurance offers landlords contents insurance policies. It is a specialize insurance for landlords that protects them against property damages or losses. It is a good policy to have if you are a landlord.

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What are the release dates for The Landlords - 2010?

The Landlords - 2010 was released on: USA: 15 May 2010

Can I get a discount from my car insurance company for cheap landlords insurance?

The Landlords Insurance Company offers cheap landlords insurance. Yes, you can get a discount by using the same company. For example, if you use Metlife car insurance then you can combine the services with their landlords insurance for extra savings.

What is the opposite gender of landlords?

The opposite gender of landlord is landlady. (The plurals are landlords and landladies).

What insurance is required for landlords?

Usually there is no legal requirement for landlords to purchase landlord insurance. It is typically a supplemental insurance for landlords in case there is damage caused to their property that is not covered by other insurance policies.

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What are the release dates for Thundering Landlords - 1925?

Thundering Landlords - 1925 was released on: USA: 21 June 1925

What companies provide buildings insurance for landlords?

Companies that provide building insurance to landlords include Bankrate, Farmers Insurance, Allstate and Landlords' Insurance. Information about building insurance is available on each of these companies' websites.

What are windows updates?

Windows updates is when your computer automaticly updates without you doing it. These updates are free and are from directly.

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