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No, loggerhead turtles do not need fresh water. They have a specialized tear gland that excretes sodium and potassium. Thus, they are able to 'create' their own fresh water.

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Q: Do loggerhead turtles need fresh water?
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What kind of water do red eared slider turtles need salt or fresh?

Fresh water, with a strong filter. Change water once every month.

What do turtles use to make their homes?

Turtles lives in Water.Sea Turtles (superfamily Chelonioidea) are turtles found in all the world's oceans except the Arctic Ocean. There are seven living species of sea turtles: flatback, green sea turtle, Hawksbill, Kemp's Ridley, Leatherback, Loggerhead and Olive Ridley. And they can't live without water. That's how they swallow so they need water to eat. They always live in fresh water.

How many times do you clean a aquatic turtles water?

You clean your turtles tank every 2 weeks and you dont need to wash your turtle because your turtle will wash itsself in the fresh water you have put in

Why do turtles need water to live?

All animals need water to live. Turtles are animals.

Do turtles need warm water to survive?

I believe it's better if turtles are in cold water. I suppose it's okay to put turtles in warm water - just don't place them in hot water.

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Are loggerhead turtles found in ponds?

no unless u have a freakn huge saltwater pond that includes all of the food they eat and territory they need to exercise in. (aka the ocean)

Do leatherback turtles need fresh water?

NO! Leatherback turtles. Are specially adapted to SALT WATER. They would not survive in freshwater. Also, the grasses that they eat are adapted to salt water. So, they would have the wrong water, and the wrong food. That would be like living in Carbon Dioxide and having only glass to eat.

Do Siamese fighting need fresh water or salt water?

fresh water

How do baby turtles no what to do?

they think they need water

Were do turtels live?

Most turtles live in fresh water ponds or lakes and come out to sun themselves on logs and rocks. Sea turtles and other turtles like it however live in salt water oceans and come to shore to lay eggs every few years. You need to be more specific on which kind of turtle you mean to get a clearer answer.

How long can loggerhead turtles stay underwater while resting and swimming?

As sea turtles are air breathing reptiles, they need to surface to breathe. Sea turtles can hold their breath for several hours, depending upon the level of activity. A resting or sleeping turtle can remain underwater for 4-7 hours.