

Do long haired hamsters need baths?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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No but you do need to brush teir fur every day with a small brush. a clean toothbrush sould be ok.

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Q: Do long haired hamsters need baths?
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How many times do hamsters need a bath?

Hamsters need baths atleast once a week or up to two times a week

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The question that you asked is listed in the HAMSTERS category, and hamsters don't need baths.

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long haired cats need constent grooming and a long bristled brush to get all the matting out. short haired cats need grooming once a week or maybe twice with a rubber brush or a special brush.

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No- no hamsters can't take baths because they hate water and it makes them very ill and they die!Hamsters groom themselves and so don't need to be washed so baths won't be necessary anyway.If they are smelly from 'someone' not cleaning their cage they can use Chinchilla dust bath, available at most pet stores.

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i think 1-2 weeksthankyouu

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Yes. But hamsters also need grains.

How long should your hamsters claws be?

You can carefully squeeze the paw of the hamster to check the length of the hamsters claw. The hamsters claws are too long when the curve around. It is very rare for a hamster to need their claws cutting.

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depends on the lenghth of the fur. short haired pits don't need much grooming but if you have a meduim or long haired pit you will have to keep the coat clean.

Do babies need baths every day?

No, babies do not need to be bathed every day. Instead, they can be given a bath 2-3 times a week to keep them clean and healthy. Overbathing can strip their skin of natural oils and cause dryness or irritation.

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mice do't need baths, so there's no answer to this question