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Q: Do lungs get smaller in the cold?
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Related questions

Why is an asthma attack more likely to be triggered when a person is cold?

because when your cold you may start to cough wich coughing makes your lungs go smaller from tightning your muscles!

How do the lungs of bird differ from lungs of mammals?


You had a cold and now your lungs hurt?

i have got a cold and i am getting over it but when i was coughing a got saw lungs

Can your cold go into your lungs?

my lungs are score from coughing so much

Is it true that inside the lungs each bronchus divides into smaller and smaller tubes?


What animal is cold blooded but has lungs?


Is it hard on your lungs to run in the cold?


Does it ever get to cold to snow?

No, but the chances are smaller when it is cold out.

Why do women and children have faster breathing rate?

smaller lungs

Is there a difference between children and adults lung capacity?

Yes, children's lungs are smaller than adults lungs.

Which part of the respiratory system divide into smaller and smaller tubes in a pattern that resemble the branches of a tree?

The Lungs

Why do females inhale less air than males?

Generally speaking they are smaller framed and have smaller lungs.