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No, they don't have to be the same age to live together.

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Q: Do male guinea pig have to be the same age to live together?
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Can to male guinea pigs live in the same cage?

With separate sides and protection

Can chipmunks and guinea pigs live together?

guinea pigs and chipmunks should not live together.

Can you keep two male guinea pigs in the same cage?

I have tow male Ginny pigs an i keep them together and they are fine.

What lives longer male or female guinea pig?

both live the same amout of time, plus it really depends on the guinea pig...

Could Guinea pigs and hamsters live in the same cage?

I have been told they will fight if living together.

Can a Female Rabbit and a Male Guinnea pig live in the same cage?

No, guinea pigs and rabbits should never be housed together. A rabbit has very strong hind legs and can seriously injure a guinea pig, even if it's just being playful. They don't have the same diet requirements. Rabbits are often carriers of bacteria (even if they are healthy themselves) that can kill guinea pigs.

How do you introduce a male guinea pig to two other male guinea pigs?

i don't exactly know but i do know that it could start predatory fights so its best to get all your guinea pigs at the same time from the same cage or put them together at the same time or if you do get them separately put them in different cages and maybe sometime see if they get along. "Bruce, Sebastian, meet dinner."

Do guinea pigs have to live as two?

If I undersstand your question correctly, I think you're asking if guinea pigs need to live with a roommate. Guinea pigs don't need to live with roomies, but they are most happy when they have a buddy. Obviously, you shouldn't put a male and a female guinea pig in the same cage. Two girls will be less aggressive than two boys.

Can a female and male beta live together?

yes but there has to be two females and one male. two males can not live together and one female and a male cant live together because all the male want is to get with them.also if u have a filter the eggs if they mate will not survive. hope this helped.

How can you make sure that your 2 new baby male guinea pigs get along?

It's best to keep them in the same cage for about a week. And you have to put them in the same cage together for about and hour each day after that for a while. I have 3 male guinea pigs at home and usually the guinea pig who came into the family or home first will try to show the other guinea pigs who is in charge (Or dominant). It usually takes about a week to two weeks for the guinea pigs to work it out and become great buddies.

Do guinea pig prefer to be on their own or with another guinea pig?

I disagree and know that Guinea pigs are very social animals and need the company of other guinea pigs. Social animals that live on their own get stressed and lonely. Litter-mates of the same sex should live together, as this minimises the chance of their fighting. Males and females shouldn't be kept together, as they will breed and it can be difficult to find homes for the young.

Is same-sex marriage legal in Papua New Guinea?

No. In fact, male homosexuality is illegal in Papua New Guinea.